This method is fast and has never failed me.ĮDIT: for those on a Mac ending up here, use lowercase for bs=4m: sudo dd if=inputfile.img of=/dev/disk bs=4m & syncĮDIT: If USB drive does not boot (this happened to me), it is because the target is a particular partition on the drive instead of the drive.
Where input.iso is the input file, and /dev/sd is the USB device you're writing to (run lsblk to see all drives to find out what is for your USB). Then, next (this is a destructive command and wipes the entire USB drive with the contents of the iso, so be careful): sudo dd bs=4M if=path/to/input.iso of=/dev/sd conv=fdatasync status=progress ├─sdb1 8:17 1 1.6G 0 part /media/username/usb volume name It will look something like sdb 8:16 1 14.9G 0 disk
Where is a letter followed by a number, look it up by running lsblk.